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Discovering ways to work effectively and keep the SPARK of teaching in you shining!

April 30th, 2022
9:30 AM-11:30 AM
GMT +8 


Teacher burnout is affecting many of our schools. Sadly, highly talented and experienced educators decide to leave the profession because of how the work related stress affect their personal lives and wellbeing. 


As we celebrate our second anniversary, we would like to bring you a workshop that can support you in nourishing your passion for teaching while learning some simple ways of keeping work related stress manageable. 


Be the HIGHLY EFFECTIVE and BALANCED teacher you can be! 




Session 1: The Strategic Teacher

In this session, you will have the time to reflect on the causes of your stresses and learn strategies you can implement in your daily schedule, lesson planning, and decision making process to manage your workload effectively. 

Session 2: The Role of  Relationships 

In the teaching world, our colleagues, leadership team, parents and students may affect our self-efficacy and motivation everyday. In this session, our speakers will share about strategies on how to maintain good team dynamics and ways to keep your SPARK! 

Our Speakers:

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Inquiry Based Learning Educator

Betsy aspired to be an educator at a young age, with the motivation of wanting to pursue this career with one thought in mind: "I want to help others succeed." After finishing her degree from University of Toronto in Psychology/ Education, she experienced working in different schools, collaborating with a number of people, dealing with a student demographic much different from all her university placements. She now has many more thoughts about this career. Her current view is that the role of an educator is never what's written in the job descriptions and what was taught in university. However, helping others succeed still holds true to her. 

Betsy Kung

Our Co-Organizers:

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