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Male Educators in the Spotlight: 

Equity,Leadership and Trends in Early Childhood Education

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These sessions will highlight perspectives and challenges in the early childhood sector including gender and cultural influences, varied stakeholder’s participation and involvement in continuous improvement, and the role of research in promoting innovative pedagogies.

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Session 1:

We, the Village: Fostering relationships with children and families


with Jolo Lagman

Along with the changes in teaching instruction come changes in connecting with students and their families.


Join Jolo as he shares his experiences fostering relationships with students and their families both in-person and online.

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Session 2:

A Teacher's Journey: Transitioning to Inquiry Based Learning


with Carlo Reyes

Transitioning from the regular classroom setting to an online learning setting has been a challenge not just for the kids, but for the Teachers as well.


In this module, Teacher Carlo will share real life experiences that made the transition easier and what worked best for him and his students during their first year of preschool online learning. 


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Session 3:

Topic 3: Quality Practices in Early Childhood Leadership and Management


with Dr.Lemuel Toledano

This session aims to unpack and reflect on quality practices in promoting children’s best interests and outcomes through leadership and management. This will cover developing and reviewing a sound centre philosophy, establishing an effective learning environment and curriculum planning and assessment cycle, and building a strong strategic direction through Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). 

About our Speakers:


Jolo Lagman 

Jolo would like to think of himself as “hilaw na mangga” in the field of early childhood education who is eager to explore so much more in this field. He has been a teacher for 6 years primarily teaching Pre-K and Kindergarten in a progressive, play-based school. He is currently a Primary Years Program Teaching Assistant at The Beacon School.


He is also an incoming graduate student at the University of the Philippines Diliman where he will take his masters in Family Life and Child Development. Outside of his teaching practice, he hosts thet Uy, si Titser! Podcast, a podcast that aims to share the stories and voices of Filipino educators.


Carlo Reyes

Carlo got his Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education in De La Salle University back in 2007. Fresh out of college, Carlo started working for a progressive, play-based learning school in Alabang called Young Creative Minds.


He was fortunate enough to train under outstanding mentors who have the same, if not more, passion for teaching kids as he did. Teaching in Young Creative Minds for the past 13 years, Carlo definitely found his niche - working with amazing kids, fantastic parents and like-minded teachers.


Dr.Lemuel Toledano 

Dr. Lemuel Toledano obtained his PhD (Management major in Organisational Behaviour) from The Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, Australia.


Lemuel’s interest for teaching children, pedagogy and educational leadership started in the Philippines where he previously worked as lecturer, early childhood practicum supervisor, and teacher certificate program coordinator in the Educational Leadership and Management Department (ELMD), College of Education at De La Salle University. 


Currently, Lemuel is the Educational Leader of CanPlay Pty Ltd., a privately owned company based in Canberra, Australia.

Co-Organized By:

Click on the logo to find out more about our co-organizers and co-presenters. 

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